A Brief Reminiscence ... Trailer

One of the things you can't get around when you make a costume as cool as The Fletcher Superman Costume is using it only once for one scene! Next week, "A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events" is going to give us a look back to some of the early days for Superman and Lois. For us, the intro scene of Superman and Lois' pilot was one that we've watched time and time again! Getting to go back and see a bit more of that mythos that we all know so well told in the Superman and Lois way is very exciting. Plus, with the reveal of Morgan Edge and the plan for Earth, a little reminising could do us some good! Check out the trailer below:

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Super User
Author: Super UserWebsite: Supermanandloistv.comEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Editor-In-Chief / Owner
Eric Johnston is the primary admin of Superman and Lois TV as well as Supergirl.tv and Stargirl.tv. He's been involved in the entertainment industry for over six years now and enjoys covering DC hero shows.


#3 RE: A Brief Reminiscence ... TrailerRobertAnthony 2021-06-17 03:21
Quoting vantheman77:
Happy 80th Anniversary to the Fleischer Superman cartoons.

And quite a little anniversary gift from the producers of the show. Groundbreaking animation and an amazing score from Sammy Timberg...by the way, the voice actors in these cartoons included the stars of the Superman radio show on Mutual, Bud Collyer as Clark Kent/Superman and Joan Alexander as Lois Lane.

And in the first cartoon aka The Mad Scientist, the voice of said villain was none other than Jack Mercer, who until his death in 1985 was the voice of a superman-like character...Popeye The Sailor.
#2 RE: A Brief Reminiscence ... TrailerCatPat 2021-06-16 13:49
The show continues to bring its A-game!
+1 #1 RE: A Brief Reminiscence ... Trailervantheman77 2021-06-16 13:48
Happy 80th Anniversary to the Fleischer Superman cartoons.

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