Girl ... You'll Be A Woman, Soon Gallery

If Tuesday felt different to you, you weren't alone. As we know, there is a two week hiatus for Superman and Lois this week and next week. The show will return, however, February 22! 2/22/22, a very lucky day! To help hold you over during the hiatus, The CW has released brand new images of Superman and Lois' fifth episode titled "Girl ... You'll Be A Woman, Soon". From the images, it looks like the whole Kent family is in attendance at Sarah's quinceanera. Will the news of Kyle's affair with the bartender ruin the event? Doesn't look like it at least in these images. Also of note, there is no image of Superman in this gallery, hope we get to see the suit!

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Super User
Author: Super UserWebsite: Supermanandloistv.comEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Editor-In-Chief / Owner
Eric Johnston is the primary admin of Superman and Lois TV as well as and He's been involved in the entertainment industry for over six years now and enjoys covering DC hero shows.


#1 RE: Girl ... You'll Be A Woman, Soon GalleryCRSmfan 2022-02-10 01:10
"The show will return, however, February 22! 2/22/22" - Cool date. Wonder how much of an uninterrupted run we'll get with the remaining episodes (are they doing 15 for Season 2?). A continuous run would mean the finale in early May so probably another break to come, not sure where they're at with filming.

"Also of note, there is no image of Superman in this gallery, hope we get to see the suit!" - There is plenty of Superman in the trailer so should be good. I certainly hope they never do an episode without Superman (Tyler in the suit). The main reason I watch the show is for the Superman action.

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